Monday, June 7, 2010


The rain and biting cold has returned to Christchurch. It seems like it felt that it was missed during its brief absence, so has returned to remind residents of the true nature of the season.
I'm not a huge fan of cold, rainy weather, but winter as a whole has some pretty good things to enjoy:
-Hot water bottles
-Electric blankets (bliss)
-Chain-drinking cups of tea
-Pretty girls in lovely winter coats
-Gloves and mittens
-Northern hemisphere summer = nice summery music to listen to and anticipate with
-Cuddling or spooning with someone in bed (this position is vacant. Enquires welcome at the Colour of My Love for You office)
-Soups, and roast meals
-Wearing long-johns around the house
-Increased beard growth (good for Winter Beard growing, as I am)

What do you enjoy?

1 comment:

  1. The number of opportunities to wear corduroy rises exponentially. !.


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