Thursday, June 17, 2010


I've been studying for exams lately. Surprisingly, procrastination has been almost entirely absent, rather unlike last year. As such, the small occasion of the first anniversary of this blog slipped by with no fan-fare. Happy birthday, blog.
The me doing the studying has been churning along with thoughts aplenty however. When a good thought pops in to my mind, and I'm lacking a pen or paper, I make a draft text message on my phone. The Drafts folder has become quite a reservoir of ideas and incidents. Here are a few (slightly edited to make sense):

Perfection was a curse, a stultifying finality - a quote from Rushdie's Grimus
Sometimes the force would be enough - I don't know what this is about. Star Wars reference?
Live like a balloon. In the world, semi-tangible, detached, floating
Even if your dreams don't come true, it's nice to have something to hope for - affirming/heartbreaking words from someone I love
What is wrong with you? Can't you feel everything?
That's what they do: hearts hope - truth from a friend
Cars sound like the ocean. Eyes show more than a camera. Clouds ripple forever - basis for a blog post a few months back
It's nice when you know you're the happiest, coolest, best looking people in the room - thoughts in a Wellington restaurant

There are plenty more. And some ones which I'll probably expand on in to something more for you to read. How do you keep track of your thoughts?

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