Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I finished reading Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close today. I was at uni, and hadn't taken it with me, so as not to be distracted, but I found a copy in the uni library, and read the last 40 pages in a binge.
I had that feeling, when you finish reading a book. I just sat there, feeling empty, and sad. I'd needed to pee for probably the entire time I was reading, but I just sat there for about five minutes.
When I went to the bathroom, the feeling was great.
I'd put on my automatic watch, which I'd gotten from my sister but had not worn for a few weeks. The time had stopped at 5:02pm, April 4th, which was approximately eight days after I'd last worn it. I tried to think what I was doing at that time, but couldn't remember. It seemed quite significant how my watch had stopped at an exact instant in my life, yet I was unaware.
I also had my radio show, which went well. For a split second in the studio, it felt like I stayed still, and everything around me shifted forward 10cm. I spoke with Nick and Sarah from EMJ, and played a bunch of music. The song I found the most affecting was probably Rococo Zephyr by Bill Callahan.

1 comment:

  1. About a week ago, my friend Rose sent me a text message saying, "Have you read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close? You're pretty much the protagonist."

    I haven't read it.


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