Thursday, February 4, 2010

My diary

I didn't want to alarm you by mentioning that I couldn't find my diary for the last two days. It wouldn't do either of us any good both being hysterical. There was a band staying in my room for a few nights, and not that I'd think they'd take it, but y'know - where was it?

On my desk. Of course. Under the Canterbury enrollment carry-on.

This is right up there with the time I lost (stolen?!) my Dark Was The Night compilation CD. I spotted a gap in my alphabetised CD collection, right where it belonged. After two days I found the solution.

The gap was in the B's. Not the D's. My Belle & Sebastian CD was on the floor.

Perhaps I should wait a few days for everything. It'll turn up.


  1. This is my favourite post so far.. of course im reading from the top to the bottom cos i started that way so wish to continue.. ur blog is really good and full of positive energy.. i would urge any manic depressive to read it.. makes me feel all warm and happy inside

  2. oh from ur favourite melb friend.. and no not the one that first comes to mind, or the second related to the first. the one ur gona think of third that will soon be legally bound to the one ud think of fourth :)


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