Saturday, October 24, 2009

Life as a dream

So last night, I met a really beautiful girl. We bumped in to each other in the library, and she dropped her things. We looked at each other, and I felt my heart swell, and I knew she felt the same way.
I woke up, and felt really confused. Was that a dream - or was I remembering it? Later in the night, I was dreaming (again?) and thought, no, that had really happened. When I woke up this morning, it took some time to figure out that it had all been a dream. A dream-within-a-dream.
Lately that's how my sleeping's been. Long days of study, punctuated with night time where the things I learn swirl around in my head.
And then the days are what follow the night - whimsical ideas flit about as I review the diversity of flowers.

I always find study so overwhelming, emotionally. I just sit down and learn, and the 'thinking/learning' part of my brain churns away. Meanwhile, the 'emotional/contemplative' part throws curveballs at my conciousness.


  1. That was an amazing description of how it feels to live through the intensity of study, and I really connected with how you wrote about your dreams, it felt like you understood how mine are, as crazy as that is! Life (helped along by my subconscious) seems rather surreal at times.. So thankyou, for your eloquence :)

  2. .That's sweet : ) And ps: I love your cave. Haha

    Anyway, was going to leave you a message on my blog but thought I'd pop over to yours and say hi!

    Haha. Aww, that's nice! You like to crochet? Haha. The piece is currently hanging on my wall, and I hope to one day sell it to someone nice. Haha. I'm really bad at crochet. I only learnt it because I always found people who could crochet, really cute. And I thought I should be true to my artwork and my 'belief' so I made myself learn. Hahaha

    It's great that you're coming to Melbourne! It's a lovely lovely place!


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