This morning I was up at around 9:30am. I've started putting on my electric blanket when I wake up, because my room is very cold. And damp. I really like my room (probably the best I've had, apart from my childhood room), but it's cold, damp nature means I tend not to spend much time in there: 6/10.
Breakfast this morning was four pieces of Ploughman's Soy & Linseed toast, two with peanut butter, two marmite. I think this brand makes very good toast, and it's pretty filling: 7/10. I had a cup of tea, which was nice. My tea intake has decreased a lot lately, as I am running out. I did some usual internet checking, and re-read most of the truly outstanding Perry Bible Fellowship: 10/10. I also spoke with Fran, who's melting in the London heat at the moment. It was really nice to talk to her (we used to live together); it'd been a while.
I did the dishes with Melinda; she washed and I dried. The dishes had been stacking up for a while, so it was a minor event. We listened to the first half of Kid A, but I put on Neon Bible, which I preferred and hummed along to. After we'd finished, the rest of the flat were in the living room, and we chatted away for a while. I started doing a couple of sketches, which I will put up here soon. They look pretty good: 6/10.
It felt like I was just killing a bit of time after lunch (two Scottish baps with hummus, capsicum and spinach: 7/10), and I didn't do anything in particular. I did choose some CDs to take to the radio, and made a few notes about what to play. Hannah came over to see Eamonn not long before I left. I rode my bike to RDU, and I didn't feel good - there was a bit of a headwind, and the cold air made my lungs feel really tight and stressed (boo winter colds): 2/10. I don't think I'd make a very good smoker.
At uni, I bought a chickpea curry from Spice Traders which was yummy, and spicier than usual: 7/10. Nick hosts the show before mine, so we chatted on air, and shared some curry. My show went fantastically; it felt like one of the best I'd done in a long time: 10/10. I felt like I had worthwhile things to say and ran a good show. A few callers complimented my show, or the music I played. A lady rang up to ask what song was on (Birthday on Mars by The Ruby Suns), as she'd just returned home from the hospital with her new-born baby! Baby's First Song? I hope so.
After the show, I cycled to Josh's to have dinner. His house was nice and warm, and he'd cooked a ratatouille and cous cous. He was worried that it was too salty, but it was really good: 8/10. Alice, Rose, and Josh were also there, and we talked about all sorts of stuff. We had sorbet and pineapple for desert, and also watched a couple of funny videos. It was a really cool night: 10/10.
It was a cold bike ride home, but also very still and quiet, so it was nice. Nick was making 7" vinyl cases, and I had some vegemite on bread as a midnight snack. And now this review. A really good day overall, but I feel like I could have done more things: 8/10. This is the last review I intend to do, but if there's overwhelming support for more, I'll write some more.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Day That Was - June 29th, 2010
Well, people seemed to enjoy my review of yesterday. One more day of my life in detail to come.
I got up around 9:30am today. I had some cool dreams: one about co-hosting the Academy Awards with Katherine Heigl, and awarding George Cloony Best Supporting Actor for a film I don't think exists; the other about a scary internet cafe down an alley occupied by homeless people. 8/10.
I feel a cold coming on, which seems pretty unfair - I only got over another cold about 2 weeks ago. Ugh! My usual remedy of drinking lots of water seems to be working as poorly as usual...
Porridge and apricots (lots, to cure the common cold) for breakfast again. And a cup of tea, which turned out to be Dilmah, silly me. Maybe I've just grown to expect more from my tea. I 'checked the internet' over breakfast, and it was fairly average, though my beloved Los Campesinos! did update their formspring (plenty of witty/droll answers, 7/10).
After breakfast I straightened up my room a bit. I started listening to a large stack of CDs which I've gotten from the radio, and never heard. I listened to albums by Lightspeed Champion (4/10), Field Music (6/10), and Urban Tramper (8/10); still quite a few to go. Incidentally, Harriet greatly enjoyed her mix-CD (I would modestly estimate her review as 10/10).
I'd been wanting to do some more drawing, so I had a crack at a self-portrait. It's a picture of me standing, and I didn't use a mirror. After I'd finished the outline, I decided to make it nude, which was interesting: 8/10. If there's much demand, I'll post it (censored?) here. I started a few sketches for a couple of other drawings I've been thinking about. I also made some modifications to this lampshade - it's now more stable, and it's light more diffuse: 8/10.
Eamonn headed to uni, and I went in to town to meet him later on. I went to the library, and read some of the new Adbusters magazine. It's awesome, and this issue looks very promising: 8/10. I met Eamonn at the bus exchange (don't really like this place, or 95% of the clientele), and we walked to Natcoll. Nick needed a model for some photography, and given my past experience, I was happy to help. It was cool, and Nick took some flash pics. Good times: 8/10.
Eamonn and I went to the supermarket to buy some things for dinner; we were having nachos. I was feeling really hungry, and tired, and cold, so wasn't in an especially good mood. Supermarket and walk home: 3/10.
Dinner was good though. I cooked, and I think I got the right blend of spices in the bean mix: 8/10. Once I'd eaten, I cycled in to town to meet my friends Hannah and Simon. Hannah's been in Melbourne the last few months, so it was nice to see her again. They'd been to watch A Single Man, and both rated it very highly (me too!). I brought my typewriter, and we sat in the Square, typing messages on stickers. These stickers were then stuck on to posts and rubbish bins. We also went to the library during its last 15 opening minutes - it was nice and warm. 9/10.
I cycled home, and ate some more corn chips, and a couple of mandarins. Then I spoke to Beth on facebook, which is always great.
One more day of indepth review, then (probably) back to occasional romantic/poetic observations.
I got up around 9:30am today. I had some cool dreams: one about co-hosting the Academy Awards with Katherine Heigl, and awarding George Cloony Best Supporting Actor for a film I don't think exists; the other about a scary internet cafe down an alley occupied by homeless people. 8/10.
I feel a cold coming on, which seems pretty unfair - I only got over another cold about 2 weeks ago. Ugh! My usual remedy of drinking lots of water seems to be working as poorly as usual...
Porridge and apricots (lots, to cure the common cold) for breakfast again. And a cup of tea, which turned out to be Dilmah, silly me. Maybe I've just grown to expect more from my tea. I 'checked the internet' over breakfast, and it was fairly average, though my beloved Los Campesinos! did update their formspring (plenty of witty/droll answers, 7/10).
After breakfast I straightened up my room a bit. I started listening to a large stack of CDs which I've gotten from the radio, and never heard. I listened to albums by Lightspeed Champion (4/10), Field Music (6/10), and Urban Tramper (8/10); still quite a few to go. Incidentally, Harriet greatly enjoyed her mix-CD (I would modestly estimate her review as 10/10).
I'd been wanting to do some more drawing, so I had a crack at a self-portrait. It's a picture of me standing, and I didn't use a mirror. After I'd finished the outline, I decided to make it nude, which was interesting: 8/10. If there's much demand, I'll post it (censored?) here. I started a few sketches for a couple of other drawings I've been thinking about. I also made some modifications to this lampshade - it's now more stable, and it's light more diffuse: 8/10.
Eamonn headed to uni, and I went in to town to meet him later on. I went to the library, and read some of the new Adbusters magazine. It's awesome, and this issue looks very promising: 8/10. I met Eamonn at the bus exchange (don't really like this place, or 95% of the clientele), and we walked to Natcoll. Nick needed a model for some photography, and given my past experience, I was happy to help. It was cool, and Nick took some flash pics. Good times: 8/10.
Eamonn and I went to the supermarket to buy some things for dinner; we were having nachos. I was feeling really hungry, and tired, and cold, so wasn't in an especially good mood. Supermarket and walk home: 3/10.
Dinner was good though. I cooked, and I think I got the right blend of spices in the bean mix: 8/10. Once I'd eaten, I cycled in to town to meet my friends Hannah and Simon. Hannah's been in Melbourne the last few months, so it was nice to see her again. They'd been to watch A Single Man, and both rated it very highly (me too!). I brought my typewriter, and we sat in the Square, typing messages on stickers. These stickers were then stuck on to posts and rubbish bins. We also went to the library during its last 15 opening minutes - it was nice and warm. 9/10.
I cycled home, and ate some more corn chips, and a couple of mandarins. Then I spoke to Beth on facebook, which is always great.
One more day of indepth review, then (probably) back to occasional romantic/poetic observations.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Day That Was - June 28th, 2010
So, here is my day in review. Hold on to your seats:
I awoke around 8am, and dozed through 'til 9ish. I listen to National Radio. Not sure who was filling in on Nine To Noon - she wasn't as good as Kathryn Ryan. I got up and made a cup of tea (Twining's English Breakfast, 6/10. I'll buy Dilmah next time) and some porridge. I added some canned apricots, which really cranked breakfast up a gear. They were Watties, and were far superior to Home Brand. Especially in that they actually resembled apricots, not some orange mush. I spent an hour or so on the internet, reading blogs, checking facebook etc. Internet, I give you a 4/10 today - nothing amazing.
My flatmate Matt got up and we chatted. I finished a mix-CD I made for my friend Harriet. It was probably one of the best I've made (good songs, nice design: 9/10). Matt and I walked in to town, and had lunch at Krishna Cafe. I really love this place, and their $5 Lunch is pretty unbeatable: 10/10. We went to Galaxy Records (great store), and the Salvation Army Store (which has been reviewed elsewhere). We walked home and I dropped off the CD. Matt is cool - we're friends, but I don't know if I've 'hung out' with him as much as I'd like. Man-date with Matt: 9/10 (he didn't put out).
When we got home, I read most of the Camp A Low Hum '07 zine (wish I was there/10), and did some crochet. I'm kind of making something, but I'm not sure if I'll stick with it. I had a shave, and it was top quality (9/10). I also made some stickers to put around town, and cycled to the library on my way to work.
New carpet was being laid ('dynamic', 7/10), and I had no idea what I wanted to read. After a fair bit of aimless wandering, I borrowed The Scornful Moon by Maurice Gee, You Are Now Entering The Human Heart by Janet Frame (I'd not read either author - I fail as a New Zealander), and Elephants on Acid by Alex Boese (it's about bizarre scientific experiments. I started reading it at work, it's very good). I owed the library $5, which was a bit of a let down.
Work was super quiet. No seniors on Senior Monday ($6 tickets - how could they resist?!). Time went fairly quick though, and well, a 4 hour shift is always pretty easy: 7/10. I stopped by Pak N' Save and got some Scottish baps (end of the day price reduction, $1.49), before heading back to the library to park my bike. I wandered around the central city and put up some stickers I'd made. They're white with typewritten messages such as 'you are beautiful', 'dream dream dream', and 'you look great today'. They're small, and mainly out of the way, and will hopefully be rewarding to observers. A fun exercise: 8/10.
I came home and had a shower. It seemed to run out of hot water about 2/3rds of the way through, mostly ruining an otherwise promising shower: 4/10. I ate an apple for supper - Royal Gala, my favourite variety: 7/10.
Then I started writing this. Did you enjoy it? It feels a touch excessive, though I did find I felt motivated to do stuff. 8/10 (woah, 'meta')
I awoke around 8am, and dozed through 'til 9ish. I listen to National Radio. Not sure who was filling in on Nine To Noon - she wasn't as good as Kathryn Ryan. I got up and made a cup of tea (Twining's English Breakfast, 6/10. I'll buy Dilmah next time) and some porridge. I added some canned apricots, which really cranked breakfast up a gear. They were Watties, and were far superior to Home Brand. Especially in that they actually resembled apricots, not some orange mush. I spent an hour or so on the internet, reading blogs, checking facebook etc. Internet, I give you a 4/10 today - nothing amazing.
My flatmate Matt got up and we chatted. I finished a mix-CD I made for my friend Harriet. It was probably one of the best I've made (good songs, nice design: 9/10). Matt and I walked in to town, and had lunch at Krishna Cafe. I really love this place, and their $5 Lunch is pretty unbeatable: 10/10. We went to Galaxy Records (great store), and the Salvation Army Store (which has been reviewed elsewhere). We walked home and I dropped off the CD. Matt is cool - we're friends, but I don't know if I've 'hung out' with him as much as I'd like. Man-date with Matt: 9/10 (he didn't put out).
When we got home, I read most of the Camp A Low Hum '07 zine (wish I was there/10), and did some crochet. I'm kind of making something, but I'm not sure if I'll stick with it. I had a shave, and it was top quality (9/10). I also made some stickers to put around town, and cycled to the library on my way to work.
New carpet was being laid ('dynamic', 7/10), and I had no idea what I wanted to read. After a fair bit of aimless wandering, I borrowed The Scornful Moon by Maurice Gee, You Are Now Entering The Human Heart by Janet Frame (I'd not read either author - I fail as a New Zealander), and Elephants on Acid by Alex Boese (it's about bizarre scientific experiments. I started reading it at work, it's very good). I owed the library $5, which was a bit of a let down.
Work was super quiet. No seniors on Senior Monday ($6 tickets - how could they resist?!). Time went fairly quick though, and well, a 4 hour shift is always pretty easy: 7/10. I stopped by Pak N' Save and got some Scottish baps (end of the day price reduction, $1.49), before heading back to the library to park my bike. I wandered around the central city and put up some stickers I'd made. They're white with typewritten messages such as 'you are beautiful', 'dream dream dream', and 'you look great today'. They're small, and mainly out of the way, and will hopefully be rewarding to observers. A fun exercise: 8/10.
I came home and had a shower. It seemed to run out of hot water about 2/3rds of the way through, mostly ruining an otherwise promising shower: 4/10. I ate an apple for supper - Royal Gala, my favourite variety: 7/10.
Then I started writing this. Did you enjoy it? It feels a touch excessive, though I did find I felt motivated to do stuff. 8/10 (woah, 'meta')
Monday, June 21, 2010
And now
Exams are all done for my penultimate semester at uni. I think they went really well: I put in a lot of work for the two exams which needed it, and then did the optimal amount of cramming to perform well in stats. The system works.
I've now got a couple of weeks off, and have had plenty of ideas which tried to distract me from study. Luckily, I saved them up, so things should be good. And event-filled. In relation to that, I decided I'm going to review the next three days of my life. I can't imagine it will be that interesting, but I also see it as a check for the things I want to do - if I review a day, and see I didn't really do anything, well, I should try and change that.
Yesterday it was cold and rainy. I went to see my friend Kim, and gave her a few pointers on crochet. She is super crafty, and I was amazed by all the things she's made, mostly for A Craft Affair, at which she has a stall. Do head along and have a look!
I've now got a couple of weeks off, and have had plenty of ideas which tried to distract me from study. Luckily, I saved them up, so things should be good. And event-filled. In relation to that, I decided I'm going to review the next three days of my life. I can't imagine it will be that interesting, but I also see it as a check for the things I want to do - if I review a day, and see I didn't really do anything, well, I should try and change that.
Yesterday it was cold and rainy. I went to see my friend Kim, and gave her a few pointers on crochet. She is super crafty, and I was amazed by all the things she's made, mostly for A Craft Affair, at which she has a stall. Do head along and have a look!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I've been studying for exams lately. Surprisingly, procrastination has been almost entirely absent, rather unlike last year. As such, the small occasion of the first anniversary of this blog slipped by with no fan-fare. Happy birthday, blog.
The me doing the studying has been churning along with thoughts aplenty however. When a good thought pops in to my mind, and I'm lacking a pen or paper, I make a draft text message on my phone. The Drafts folder has become quite a reservoir of ideas and incidents. Here are a few (slightly edited to make sense):
Perfection was a curse, a stultifying finality - a quote from Rushdie's Grimus
Sometimes the force would be enough - I don't know what this is about. Star Wars reference?
Live like a balloon. In the world, semi-tangible, detached, floating
Even if your dreams don't come true, it's nice to have something to hope for - affirming/heartbreaking words from someone I love
What is wrong with you? Can't you feel everything?
That's what they do: hearts hope - truth from a friend
Cars sound like the ocean. Eyes show more than a camera. Clouds ripple forever - basis for a blog post a few months back
It's nice when you know you're the happiest, coolest, best looking people in the room - thoughts in a Wellington restaurant
There are plenty more. And some ones which I'll probably expand on in to something more for you to read. How do you keep track of your thoughts?
The me doing the studying has been churning along with thoughts aplenty however. When a good thought pops in to my mind, and I'm lacking a pen or paper, I make a draft text message on my phone. The Drafts folder has become quite a reservoir of ideas and incidents. Here are a few (slightly edited to make sense):
Perfection was a curse, a stultifying finality - a quote from Rushdie's Grimus
Sometimes the force would be enough - I don't know what this is about. Star Wars reference?
Live like a balloon. In the world, semi-tangible, detached, floating
Even if your dreams don't come true, it's nice to have something to hope for - affirming/heartbreaking words from someone I love
What is wrong with you? Can't you feel everything?
That's what they do: hearts hope - truth from a friend
Cars sound like the ocean. Eyes show more than a camera. Clouds ripple forever - basis for a blog post a few months back
It's nice when you know you're the happiest, coolest, best looking people in the room - thoughts in a Wellington restaurant
There are plenty more. And some ones which I'll probably expand on in to something more for you to read. How do you keep track of your thoughts?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The temperature in Christchurch has become chilly enough that when I cycle around, the cold air makes my eyes water. My right eye notices it the most, and I feel it well up, and a single tear emerges, and slides down my cheek.
I leave it, let it trace its path down my face, and cool and try in the cold air. All that is left is a dry, salty rivulet.
I leave it, let it trace its path down my face, and cool and try in the cold air. All that is left is a dry, salty rivulet.
Monday, June 7, 2010
The rain and biting cold has returned to Christchurch. It seems like it felt that it was missed during its brief absence, so has returned to remind residents of the true nature of the season.
I'm not a huge fan of cold, rainy weather, but winter as a whole has some pretty good things to enjoy:
-Hot water bottles
-Electric blankets (bliss)
-Chain-drinking cups of tea
-Pretty girls in lovely winter coats
-Gloves and mittens
-Northern hemisphere summer = nice summery music to listen to and anticipate with
-Cuddling or spooning with someone in bed (this position is vacant. Enquires welcome at the Colour of My Love for You office)
-Soups, and roast meals
-Wearing long-johns around the house
-Increased beard growth (good for Winter Beard growing, as I am)
What do you enjoy?
I'm not a huge fan of cold, rainy weather, but winter as a whole has some pretty good things to enjoy:
-Hot water bottles
-Electric blankets (bliss)
-Chain-drinking cups of tea
-Pretty girls in lovely winter coats
-Gloves and mittens
-Northern hemisphere summer = nice summery music to listen to and anticipate with
-Cuddling or spooning with someone in bed (this position is vacant. Enquires welcome at the Colour of My Love for You office)
-Soups, and roast meals
-Wearing long-johns around the house
-Increased beard growth (good for Winter Beard growing, as I am)
What do you enjoy?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
New hair cut

I've been told a few times that I can 'pull off anything', and that's probably the right attitude to have when cutting your own hair.
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